Thursday, January 13, 2011

What Is This Thing??

Oh yes, dear people. It is what you think it is. It's me finding a place on the internet where I can freely rant endlessly about soap opera and why I simultaneously love and loathe it. Unlike some others floating about the net (whom I have the utmost respect for) I'm not always watching, nor do I claim to keep up with most shows regularly anymore (I weave my way in and out of Days of our Lives' Salem and Goede Tijden Slechte Tijden's Meerdijk regularly and that's about it as of late). But I definitely can say I'm dedicated to the cause.

There won't be many first-come spoilers or daily recaps (unless they're particularly hilarious), because I adhere to the school of thought that says "if I know what's going to happen today, why in shit would I bother watching??"

Besides, that's what Serial Drama and Daytime Confidential are there for, no?

Expect some great surprises, some treats from back in the day, and a few rants along the way. It'll be fun, because that's why you watch soaps, no?*

* = yes, I realise most soaps lately are about as fun as poking yourself in the eyeballs with dull knitting needles, but you could at least TRY to play along, no?


  1. BTW... Have you ever checked out Onderweg Naar Morgen or ONM,the competition for GTST?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. WAS the competition. Lots of You Tube clips (haven't checked whether they're subtitled* like Goede Tijden, Slechte Tijden) but I saw a note saying that it stopped airing in May of last year..

    *My last comment was deleted because I said "dubbed"...

  4. Have not seen. I'm having a hard enough time keeping up with DAYS, tbh. I think there may be something online, but I haven't checked yet.
