Friday, May 13, 2011

Is DAYS finally going gay?

Better unlock the closet Sami, Will wants out
It only took them 45 years, but there's a possibility now. The internet is all abuzz about the possibility that bottom-rated Days of Our Lives is spicing things up by possibly being the only soap left on US television with a gay romance on-screen.

Will DAYS have the guts to take it the whole nine yards and treat the couple as any other? Or will they go the uber-chaste route of As The World Turns' Luke & Noah, an eventual train-crash death finale for Luke & Reid? How about unceremoniously vanquishing them from the canvas after they "fail to resonate with the mainstream audience" as Kyle & Fish did on One Life To Live last year? Or will they just be like every other DAYS couple and spend 90% of the time saving the town from some maniacal super-villain (spelt DiMera) while otherwise combating their irrepressible libidos that get them into all kinds of babymamma drama?

Freddie Smith is the new gay @ DAYS?
I'm hoping for none of the above. I'm hoping for an intense, emotional tale with long-term planning, development, twists and turns, and a huge payoff at the end. Dena Higley has proved that she IS capable of it...just....not very often.

Regardless, the actor has been cast. Apparently former 90210 star Freddie Smith will do the honours. Smith is rumoured to be one of Justin & Adrienne Kiriakis' sons, and may finally be a proper love interest for Sami Brady's sensitive-but-ultimately-unconvincing-in-any-heteronormative-coupling son Will. His first airdate is said to be in mid-Summer.

Monday, May 9, 2011


So basically this storyline has been done 16 times since Bob Guza took over as Head Writer at General Hospital. The only differences being if he'd had his way, the madman would've killed Bobbie and Monica, and had Jason somehow disarm him by being catapulted by Luke into the hospital while still in diapers to miraculously save the day. Cue endless praise of Jason's heroic skills while he glares menacingly in his stroller*.

* - Yes, I'm fully aware that Jason didn't become the monoemotive jackass he is now until 1996, but you know Guza would've found a way.